Friday, 3 April 2020


Today I thought I would share my favourite chocolate brownie recipe.  These can stand for around a week in the fridge and still taste amazing each time. They can also be warmed up and served with ice cream. 


  • 185g unsalted butter;
  • 185g dark chocolate, I'd say around 70% dark;
  • 50g milk chocolate (a bar will do);
  • 85g plain flour;
  • 40g cocoa powder;
  • 3 large eggs; and
  • 260g golden caster sugar or white sugar will be fine too

You will need some basic kitchen scales, I got mine for £8 on Amazon.

You'll also need a shallow square baking tin/tray and greaseproof / baking paper, I found these in Sainsbury's.


1. Preheat you oven at 180C / 160C fan / gas mark 4 and melt the butter and and the dark chocolate together. I did this by placing them into a bowl and placing the bowl over a pot of boiling water. It is easier to melt if you cut these into smaller pieces first. You can also put them in the microwave;

2. Line the tin with baking paper, a tip to get it to stick down is to first put some butter on the inside of the tin;

3. Pour the flour and cocoa powder into a sieve held over a medium bowl and tap to get rid of any lumps;

4. Crack the eggs into a large bowl and tip in the sugar and whisk them together. You can do this by hand or with an electric whisk, it will look super thick and pale when done;

5. Pour the cooled chocolate mixture over the egg mixture, then fold everything together using a spatula, going under and over whilst moving the bowl around, whilst avoiding trapping air;

6. Sieve in the the cocoa and flour mixture;

7. Gently fold in the powder using the same figure of eight action as before. The mixture will look dry and dusty at first, and a bit unpromising, but if you keep going very gently and patiently, it will end up looking gungy and fudgy. Stop just before you feel you should, as you don’t want to overdo this mixing;

8. Now you can throw in some chunks of the milk chocolate;

9. Pour the mixture into the tin;

10. Put in the oven for 25 minutes;

11. Leave to cool until completely cold, you can even put it in the fridge. Don't make the mistake of cutting it whilst it's still warm. Use the edges of the baking paper to putt it out of the tin; and

12. (Optional) I bought ready made icing in a tub and spread that over the top before cutting into pieces.

Hope you enjoy! 


  1. Oh wow these look delicious! Thanks so much for sharing xo

    Makeup Muddle

  2. Oh gosh! This made me crave! The brownies look so yummy! :)

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