Sunday, 23 January 2022

Cinnamon roll recipe

Supposedly cinnamon rolls are a winter treat, however I love to enjoy them all year round and so I couldn't wait to learn to make them myself.  There are so many different ways of making these so feel free to amend my recipe however you like or let me know if you have any tips.  

  • 300g self raising flower 
  • 70g butter (preferably unsalted)
  • 2 egg yolks 
  • 130ml full fat milk 
  • 1 tsp baking powder 
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 2 tbs caster sugar 
  • 30g melted butter 
  • 50g brown sugar 
  • 2 tbs caster sugar 
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 60g icing sugar 
  • 1 tbs soft/cream cheese 
  • 1 tbs butter (also preferably unsalted)
  • 1/2 vanilla extract (optional) 
  • (you can also simply mix icing sugar with a few drops of water for a thinner icing)
  1. Mix the dry ingredients (flour, cinnamon and sugar) together in a large bowl. 
  2. In a separate bowl, mix or whisk together the egg yolks and the butter and then add into the dry flour mixture to create a dough.  If you are using yeast instead of self raising flour then leave the dough to sit for at least 30 minutes. 
  3. Sprinkle flour over a dry surface, place the dough on the surface and roll it out into a rectangle shape. 
  4. In a separate bowl again, mix together all of the ingredients for the filling and spread the sugary paste evenly over the top of the rolled out dough. 
  5. Once covered, roll up the dough into a long Swiss roll and use a piece of thread or floss to cut into even slices.  You can do this by placing the edge of the roll onto the string and pulling the string in opposite directions over the top.  This creates a clean cut and prevents the dough from being flattened by being pushed down on with a knife. 
  6.  Cover a cake or brownie tin in butter and place the rolls inside. 
  7. Bake for around 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees. 
  8. Whilst the rolls are baking, prepare the icing by combining all of the icing ingredients, sifting in the icing sugar and adding drops of hot water until it reaches the desired consistency.  Drizzle over the rolls once they have have finished baking. 


1 comment

  1. Seriously they look so yummy and nice


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